Best home remedies for prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. A pathological infection or virus entering the prostate can also occur due to stagnation of blood in the scrotum.

Depending on the causes of this disease, it can be treated both in the clinic and at home. This pathology can occur in chronic or acute form.

pain in a man with prostatitis


Usually, the disease manifests itself in representatives of a strong state between the ages of 20 and 50. Often this is facilitated by a person's insufficiently active sex life. Also, the risk of manifestation of this pathology is in those who sit a lot, smoke or often visit saunas.

All these factors lead to lymphatic stagnation, blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and hormone failure. As a result, immunity weakens, which makes it easier for infections to enter the body of such a person.

If not treated at home or in a clinic, prostatitis can become chronic in a short time. The harbingers of the disease are:

  1. Discomfort in the penis.
  2. Forced urination.
  3. Pain in groin.
  4. Pain when going to the toilet.
  5. Heat.
  6. Weak erection.

When the disease becomes chronic, in addition to the symptoms listed above, a person may feel a decrease in sexual activity.

How to get rid of this disease quickly and effectively? This question interests many. Doctors say that you can quickly get rid of such a pathology only at the initial stage.

It is important to identify the symptoms immediately, and in this case, the treatment will begin quickly. For this, you should observe the body yourself and conduct regular examinations in the clinic.

In addition, after the diagnosis, the therapy will be prescribed by a specialist. You can treat prostatitis both at home and in the clinic. It depends on the severity of the disease and the patient's wishes.

How to treat prostatitis at home will be discussed in this article.

Home treatment of prostatitis in men

It should be noted right away that self-treatment of prostatitis can be carried out only at the initial stage of manifestation. Chronic and acute disease should be treated only in the clinic.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient and collects tests. Blood and urine are taken. They are checked for the presence of viruses in the body. Based on such tests, the doctor learns the characteristics of the pathology for himself. Depending on the complexity, he may prescribe medication and other procedures. If the form of the disease is severe, surgical intervention is necessary.

Effective treatment of prostatitis at home is possible only if the disease does not start. It is possible to treat prostatitis at home with the help of a folk recipe that will reduce anxiety, give the body strength to resist viruses and improve general well-being.

When treating this pathology at home, massages are provided, folk recipes are used, physical exercises and devices for the treatment of prostatitis at home are also used.

herbs and spices for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis at home also involves daily intake of juices. It can be juices from various vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to use them together with medicines prescribed by the doctor.

How to get rid of prostatitis at home?

The following are the main treatment methods based on folk recipes. To alleviate the symptoms of prostate, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of experts.

pumpkin seeds

They have been used for the treatment of this disease for a long time. The peculiarity of such a product is that it contains a lot of zinc, which the male body needs every day. It is necessary to maintain health.

It is recommended to use dried seeds instead of roasted seeds for treatment. They need to be cleaned and eaten. About one kilogram of seeds will be required for a normal course of treatment. The duration of such a course is until the seed is finished. The risk of manifestation of pathology decreases significantly with the passing of the course every year.

You should eat about 30 seeds a day. They should not be chewed. You can also wrap them in a meat grinder and consume them. It is recommended to eat them half an hour before meals.


This plant will help to cope with various diseases. How to treat prostatitis with wormwood? It is better to prepare decoctions and infusions from it. To do this, you need to take one hundred grams of the plant and grind it. Then boil and let it brew. A decoction is usually used as an enema or douche. You can also drink the decoction.

The duration of the course is 7 days. It is necessary to take 100 grams of decoction once a day and give them an enema before going to bed.

Since wormwood can have a different effect on each body, you should consult a doctor before using it. Also, you should not smoke or drink alcohol during treatment. This can lead to exacerbation of other diseases in the body.


Prostate gland is also treated with the help of juices. If combined with the use of drugs, it will give a positive result. It is good to drink vegetable juice. They should drink about 500 grams per day. You can also make juices from carrots, cucumbers or asparagus.

It must be self-made juices from fresh products and not purchased. The duration of the treatment course is 10 days.

bee products

Patients with prostate gland are treated in this way. You can use wax candles for this. They are inserted into the anus.


Prostate massage is necessary for prevention. This should be done constantly. Also, massage for prostatitis at home will help to get rid of the disease of any complexity. Because massage for prostatitis at home improves blood flow in the pelvic organs.

Massage is performed through the perineum or rectal. The gland can be accessed through the anus. Massage is done in circular motions. Usually, such a procedure should be performed by specialists, because the prostate can be damaged by incompetent actions.

You can entrust this procedure to a friend for home treatment. It is also possible to use special devices for this. All of them differ in size and shape, so you can choose the best one for yourself. Devices for the treatment of prostatitis are inserted into the anus.

You can also massage through the perineum. This method is more secure than before. You can apply it yourself. To carry out such a procedure, you can adapt ordinary objects, for example, a tennis ball.

It is necessary to do 3-4 procedures a day. The duration of each should be 4-5 minutes on average.

It should also be remembered that massage should be refused in the acute form of the disease, in the case of malignant damage to the organ, and in the presence of stones.


Today, there are special devices that can treat the prostate. You can do this at home without the help of a professional. These devices work on different principles. Their main task is to stimulate the gland.

The devices are:

  1. Magnetic.
  2. Trembling.
  3. Laser.


Regular stress and exercise on the body allows you to carry out preventive measures, as well as treat prostatitis. Loads can be given 2-3 times a week. Also, you should always be outdoors.

You can sign up for special gymnastics courses. But you can do these exercises at home. All of them are simple and do not require much effort. Such exercises will help speed up the healing process.

walking for prostatitis


Both treatment and prevention of pathology should be done at home. It is important to carry out such actions so that the disease does not become chronic.

Also, preventive measures can be different and depend on the cause of the manifestation of the pathology. If this is inflammation, then it is worth increasing your immunity with the help of drugs. If the problem is stagnation, all efforts should be directed to eliminate such a defect.

Prevention means:

  1. Lead an active lifestyle.
  2. A balanced diet.
  3. Normal weight.
  4. Regular sex.
  5. Performing massage.
  6. Treatment of inflammation.
  7. Sports.

Also, experts advise to constantly monitor the state of health. At the first manifestations of negative symptoms, you should immediately go to the clinic and undergo an examination there.