Capsules Prostamin Forte

Medication for prostatitis

Capsules Prostamin Forte
€ 78€ 39

Buy Prostamin Forte

50% Discount

The unique drug Prostamin Forte for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis is available in Croatia only on the official website.

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Prostate gland - normal and inflamed

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are the most common diseases of the genitourinary system in modern men. Improper lifestyle, reduced physical activity, environmental degradation and constant stress rightly cause stagnation and inflammation in the prostate gland, which is called the "second heart" of man. Failures in organ function have irreversible consequences for men's health.

Capsule Prostamin Forte - an innovative drug for prostatitis

As men age, the risk of inflammation of the prostate gland, which is part of the reproductive system, increases. Men's health and fertility depend directly on the condition of the prostate. In order for male reproductive cells to be active, semen is enriched in the prostate with nutrients - enzymes, vitamins.

Acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland occurs in all age groups. According to the WHO, more than 75% of men of reproductive age experience discomfort in the prostate gland, and 69% of them have a chronic form of the disease.

Causes of prostatitis

The main symptoms of the disease are pain and discomfort in the groin, frequent urination, decreased potency and quality of sexual intercourse. Lack of treatment leads to complete impotence, adenoma, infertility, complications and cancer.

Prostamin Forte capsules - an innovation in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis

An integrated approach is important in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the prostate gland. The innovative Prostamin Forte in capsules is an effective and safe agent for the prevention and treatment of chronic and acute prostatitis. Prostamin Forte, which has an immunomodulatory effect, has a positive effect on the prostate gland, eliminates swelling of the gland, relieves pain and problems with frequent urination. The drug stimulates the immune system and improves its potential to fight pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the prostate gland. Prostamin Forte helps to normalize blood flow in the prostate gland, which helps to accelerate the elimination of toxins caused by inflammatory processes and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Advantages of Prostamin Forte

The drug in capsules has a cumulative effect - one course completely eliminates the symptoms of the disease, improves the quality of life and gives self-confidence.

Prostamin Forte contains only natural ingredients

  • I saw palmetto fruit extract at Prostamin FortePalmetto fruit extract is a component with high biological activity, increases testosterone levels, has anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effects. Has a positive effect on the condition of the prostate gland, stops hyperplastic processes.
  • Pumpkin seed powder at Prostamin FortePumpkin seed powder - Pumpkin flour, rich in vitamin and mineral complex, has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the prostate gland, nourishing it with useful substances. The component has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Helps strengthen blood vessels & remove toxins
  • Blueberry extract in Prostamin ForteBlueberry extract - a concentrated extract of the fruit helps to normalize metabolic processes in the prostate gland, improves the body's resistance, has a calming effect, reduces swelling of the gland, thus eliminating the urge to urinate more often.
  • Gotu Kola with Prostamin ForteGotu Kola extract - a proven antiviral and antiparasitic effect of the component has a complex effect on prostate health, helps in the treatment of adenomas, eliminates swelling, relieves pain and normalizes glandular function. Improves spermatogenesis.
  • Shiitake mushroom powder capsules Prostamin ForteShitaki mushroom powder is a source of essential amino acids and B vitamins. Bioactive substances are involved in tissue regeneration processes, help to clean smooth muscles from atypical cells, have anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects. Powder is an immunomodulator.
  • Reishi mushroom extract capsule Prostamin ForteReishi mushroom extract - an antimicrobial component involved in the regeneration and rejuvenation of prostate cells, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, which has an antioxidant effect, helps to eliminate edema and restore glandular function.
  • Infusion of pomegranate seeds as part of Prostamin ForteInfusion of pomegranate seeds - has a beneficial effect on sexual function, cleanses the blood, removes inflammatory products from prostate tissue, activates the production of enzymes, restores reproductive function.
  • Studies of the effectiveness of the drug have shown that the unique combination of natural components Prostamin Forte has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate gland in 100% of cases.

    2, 500 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 65 who participated in clinical trials and consumer tests reported that the drug improved overall health, quality of life, alleviated chronic and acute forms of prostatitis, adenomas and other diseases of the prostate gland and urogenital system.

    Symptoms of prostate adenoma and prostatitis

    Symptoms Prostatitis Adenoma

    Temperature rise

    Yes No.

    Flu-like syndrome

    Yes No.

    Weakening of potential

    Yes Yes


    Acutely disturbing

    It is expressed in 2-3 stages

    Disorders of urinary excretion

    It is pronounced sharply

    Always worried


    In chronic form

    In the later stages


    Signs of inflammation

    Gland enlargement

    Are you experiencing at least one symptom? Do not delay treatment and prevention!

    Now you can buy the original drug Prostamin Forte for the treatment of prostatitis in Croatia at a low price - only € 39 for each course! To buy a 100% natural remedy, you need to order it on the official website (Croatia).

    Doctor's review

    Doctor Urologist Nikolina Nikolina
    22 years
    I recommend Prostamin Forte in capsules to my patients for the treatment of prostatitis and prevention of adenomas. The measure has proved positive, it is recommended to appoint in Croatia. Patients taking the capsules according to the instructions report that their condition has improved, there is no pain in the groin, and urine output is normalized.